The Wangaratta Hockey Club turned 115 years old in 2022. The committee is really excited by the future of hockey in Wangaratta. We have seen a lot of positive changes to the club in recent times. The most significant change has been the access to a synthetic pitch in 2021. This has meant the club no longer plays on grass fields and can now develop our skills and compete extremely well against other clubs in the associated.
The committee have a plan to to continue to develop the club into the future, including getting lights at the field so we can train and play games at night. We have a strong juniors program to grow the club at the grass roots into the future and have even had success at the senior level with the Division 3 Women’s getting into the grand final in 2022, which was an outstanding achievement and a real sign of the strength and potential of the club.

Our Vision

To grow the Wangaratta Hockey Club into a strong and sustainable club.

Our Mission

To increase participation at all levels within the Wangaratta Hockey Club and to be the safe, welcoming and inclusive community sport of choice for the people of Wangaratta.

Our Priorities

The key priorities of the Wangaratta Hockey Club are:

  1. Membership growth
  2. Training Environment
  3. Coaches and Umpires
  4. Facilities
  5. Administration and meeting legal obligations
  6. Financial and Legal Management
  7. Communication and Promotion

Each of these priorities does not stand alone. The achievement of goals within a single priority impacts on the ability of the club to achieve goals in other priorities and as such, all seven priorities are equally important.

Download the full Strategic Plan to see how we aim to achieve our Goals.